Welcome to Nija's Page

About Me

My name is Nija. I have 2 siblings,and they both are girls. I live in Mossuri with most of my family. So, that means I don't have to travel much because, we all live in the same area. I have a dog he is a yorky,and his name is Casino. He is not really violent unless you bully him. Trust me he remembers who bullies him. I am 11 years old. My sister Rilee is 8 years old turning 9 in November. My other sister Allison is 3 years old turning 4 in October. My mother name is Antionette, and my fathers name is Anton. I am really blessed to have a family like this because, they really care about you and the encourage you to do better.They help you with your challenges.

Over the summers Rilee and I would go over my grandma's house. The summers are very fun because when I was over my grandma's house my mom surprised us with here new car. It was so cool that I almost started crying. We also went to a water park with my older and younger cousin, and my sisters. Me and Rilee stay there with our oldest cousin for 4 more hours. when we spend summers with my grandma is very fun. I'll stop talking now let you guys go on with the webcite.

My Favorites

Favorite Book- Slacker
Favorite Song-It's You
Favorite Food-Pizza
Favorite Sports Team-GreenBay Packers
Favorite Website-Cool Math
Braclet Instructions

Play my game

If you want to play my game, you need to answer a riddle first...

What says with you,
but doesn't have legs,
you can call people on it.
What am I?


Javascript game